Colored frames


The color frames constitute the basic element of the storyboard. Colored in digital watercolor, it represents the most functional modus operandi in the advertising workflow in terms of speed, freshness in creation and homogeneity in treatment. The working method is very simple to make the service offered effective. A script/screenplay of the story is sufficient, correlated with some image references and treatment. Soon you will receive a first pencil-sketched export of the scenes necessary for the narration. After approval, the final “pencils” will be created. After the final check on the pencils, the process concludes with the coloring of the scenes and the elaboration of the levels necessary for the movement, if required. Collaboration, friendliness and flexibility to manage unexpected events that are always lurking! There are many campaigns on which our expertise has been put to the test, as you can see by scrolling through the images. We invite you to test our service!


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